
The police department's reporting requirements begin once the K9 has graduated from patrol school. K9s graduating in a fall class will enter their reporting period on January 1 of the following year, while K9s graduating in a spring class will enter their reporting period on July 1 of the same year. For the first year of the unit's operation, the department must send quarterly reports including both activity and financial information using the Foundation's template available on our Resources page.

Fall Class K9s

The Foundation requires reports for the first year covering the following dates:

  • Report 1: January 1-March 31
  • Report 2: April 1-June 30
  • Report 3: July 1-September 30
  • Report 4: October 1-December 31

Spring Class K9s

The Foundation requires reports for the first year covering the following dates:

  • Report 1: July 1-September 30
  • Report 2: October 1-December 31
  • Report 3: January 1-March 31
  • Report 4: April 1-June 30

After the unit has completed its first year, reporting is required annually for the following three years. Each department's annual report will be due on either January 1 or July 1, depending on when it graduated patrol school.

In summary, over the course of its life, the unit must provide the Stanton Foundation with 7 reports; 4 during its first year, and 1 each year for 3 subsequent years.